Pisano Films is working with The Carnegie Museum of Natural History on videos and a podcast series about climate action.
Overview | a collection of stories about climate action + climate justice on the frontlines of the Anthropocene.
Commissioned for exhibitions and educators at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. My team and I packed recording for nine stories into 2 busy production months last fall. Some of what we collected is on display in the museum’s Anthropocene Studies section We Are Nature exhibit; the rest is being edited into forthcoming videos and a podcast series, both for the museum’s content channels & for educator kits that the museum distributes to classrooms across the region. We hope these stories will…
• break down how real people are working to mitigate climate change.
• break down those approaches into actionable methodology, and provide points of entry for the audience to get involved.
• be informed by natural history, as well as the history of how we talk about natural history.
• emphasize collective action and intersectional justice. This often includes collaboration and solidarity with nonhumans.

Samples | minidocumentaries to distribute with CMNH educator kits, & corresponding shorts to play in the We Are Nature exhibit.

My Role | Director + Producer + DP
Collaborated with museum educators and researchers to identify regional climate action stories to highlight; proposed and developed series concept; co-wrote questions for 27 interviews; hired, scheduled, and supervised three production units to collect those interviews, supplementary b-roll, + photo sets for all nine stories; acted as DoP and conducted interviews for four of those stories (five shoots/ten interviews); currently, I’m editing three stories into a gazillion different video deliverables for the museum and its educational partners; in the next phase of the project, I’m slated to act as Editorial Director on videos telling the other six stories; finally, I’m editing (and hosting) a new podcast series that includes all 9 stories. Phewph!